31st National SPERA Conference 2015

Mapping Education Policy Landscapes: Rurality and Rural Futures

In partnership with:


Dates: 4-6 November 2015

Download the full flyer here: Conference 2015 Abstract submission details and deadlines/dates

The 2015 conference theme is Mapping education policy landscapes: Rurality and rural futures

Sub Themes

  • Education reform
  • Student Engagement, Aspiration and Motivation
  • Pre-Service / Higher Education
  • Curriculum / Pedagogy
  • Policy / Place
  • Partnerships
  • Indigenous/ Aboriginal Education
  • Strengthening and networking rural education research

Confirmed speakers and guests include

  • Jim Watterson (Director-General, Dept. Education and Training – Qld)
  • Jo-Anne Reid (CSU)
  • Sabina Knight (Australian Rural Health Education Network)
  • Josh Arnold (Small Town Culture)
  • Bernadette Walker-Gibbs (Deakin University)
  • Marie Brennan (Victoria University), and
  • Gary Fry (Charles Darwin University).

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts are to be written in English. The abstract should contain clear information about the aims, nature and content of the paper and, where applicable, a brief statement of results and implications. This should be linked to the conference theme or sub-themes. The author’s name, affiliation and email address should appear in the abstract of 250 words. A biographical resume and photo of the author (and all co-authors, if any) is required upon acceptance (100 words)

Evaluation of Abstracts

Abstracts are subject to blind-review by members of the program committee. Notification of whether the abstract has been accepted for presentation will be sent to the author(s) on August 7. Successful presenters will be asked for their audio visual requirements at this time.

Please note:

The submissions are simply a 250 word abstract and will be presented as a book of abstracts. A future call will go out from the AIJRE editorial team reminding people to submit full papers to the journal if they wish. The editors are extremely keen to separate the journal from the conference.

Call for abstracts submission deadline: 30 July (250 word abstracts)
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 7 August
Author confirmation of attendance: 4 September
Conference: 4-6 November

For those attending, see travel, accommodation and dining for the Deakin University Geelong Waterfront Campus.

SPERA would like to acknowledge that the present site of the Geelong Waterfront Campus is located on the land of the Wathaurong people. They are connected to these lands, have walked these lands, and continue to care for them and nurture them for future generations.