Menindee Central School & Uni Newcastle

Menindee Central School and the University of Newcastle School of Education have maintained a partnership dedicated to improving student outcomes at the school since 2005. Over the years, the school and community have received substantial media coverage of the many successes achieved along the way (awards and significant achievements have become common in several aspects of RRR life – sports, the arts, etc.)

With the challenge of moving further beyond past successes, the school has initiated a stronger link with the University in:

  1. offering professional development pathways for school staff and allied agencies,
  2. increasing the lived experience of ITE students through more practicum and intern placements,
  3. the community/ School deploying their already existing professional development for new staff in the region, an on-country experience of learning local history and culture, and
  4. providing Menindee students a chance to visit and experiences what STEM University study involves

Along side this work, the schools itself is working in collaboration with members of the School of Education in developing alternative models and structures of curriculum designed to increase the number of students seeking further educational or enterprise growth beyond graduation from MCS.

Category: Regional, Remote, Rural Partnership Award