2014 Notice of Annual General Meeting
Dear SPERA Member
Traditionally SPERA held its Annual General meeting in conjunction with its National Conference,. This year SPERA will hold its Annual General at the 30th National SPERA Conference at the University of New England, Armidale NSW.
The AGM will be held on Thursday 2 October commencing at 16:15 Eastern Standard Time. You are cordially invited to attend. (Education Building Room E07_248)
In particular, a number of SPERA Executive positions are vacant.
On behalf of the SPERA Executive, I invite you to consider nominating for the Executive. A nomination form is enclosed. Nominations can be emailed to admin@spera.asn.au or can be handed in at the registration desk before the AGM commences.
SPERA looks forward to hearing from you at the AGM.
Yours sincerely
- Nomination form for Executive 2014: SPERA 2014 AGM nomination for executive.pdf
- 2013 AGM Minutes: SPERA 2013 AGM minutes.pdf
- AGM Agenda Oct 2014: SPERA 2014 AGM agenda.pdf