Queensland State P-10/12 School Administrators’ Association – a brief overview
Written by Geoff Latta, State President, Queensland State P-10/P-12 School Administrators’ Association
The 81 current P-10/12 schools are scattered across our great State and are a very important part of its education history. Our schools are some of the largest and smallest in the State. In 1957, the number of secondary departments, forerunners to what we are now referring to as P-10/12 schools, had increased to 34. This was only three fewer than the number of state high schools at the time.
Currently our schools are made up of three P-9, 34 P-10 and 44 P-12 schools. Our association is very proud to represent all P-10/12 administrators in many forums and to keep promoting the uniqueness of our schools. Our councillors are dotted throughout Queensland; their role is to network with the P-10/12 schools within a given geographical area.
There are particular challenges associated with being a P-10/12 school. These challenges can equally be the strengths of the school. As an example, understanding and creating learning environments in which students can thrive as a 5 and a 17 year old is complex. While mapping out the learning journey from start to finish of primary and secondary schooling provides, I believe, a better understanding of the whole child and their needs.
The Queensland State P-10/12 School Administrators’ Association has a website, eight association newsletters per year and utilises emails to keep our members connected. Principals new to P-10/12 school can access our Principal Survival Kit which has been built up over years by experienced principals in our association.
P-10/12 schools also have the ability to be affiliated with our association. All individual membership and school affiliation fees are used to deliver services to represent and raise the profile of all P-10/12 schools and personnel across all levels of DET. Our association belongs to the members and we genuinely seek their involvement in all aspects of our operations at whatever level they would like to be involved.
Our association represents exceptional value for members and has experienced a surge in interest this year with memberships up by over 25%. I believe there a number of factors involved in this including; the hard work over many years coming to realisation, our Education Minister announcing funding for each Principal Associations’ president (We currently have 0.5 release time for the President’s position), new principals being appointed to some of our schools and the increased level of genuine consultation between the associations and Central Office at all levels.
If you are an administrator in a Queensland P-10/12 school, I hope you seriously consider joining our association and strengthening our ability to represent all P-10/12 schools.