SPERA Conference Proceedings 2000
Dawning of Opportunity
Luke Baills, Sherrin Bell, Bridget Greensill and Louise Willcox
Bridging the gap between beginning teachers and isolated/rural communities
Betty Baram
Workshop: Convergence of distance education and mainstream schooling – increasing opportunities for rural and isolated learners
Marg Beagley
Flexible delivery: initiatives and innovation
Hedley Beare
‘Now, Year Ones, this is your life!’ Preparing the present generation of students for a world of shrinking distances
Don Boyd
Experimenting with the development of electronic course materials
Colin R Boylan and Andrew R Wallace
An analysis of classroom interaction patterns in satellite delivered letters
Charles Bradley
The glass is only half full – a political discussion of issues in secondary distance education in rural New South Wales
Kathy Broadley and Keith Greaney
Providing Reading Support for Young Children in Rural Schools: The Case of Reading Recovery
Guy Broadley
Student Teacher Supervision by Telephone
Jim Buzacott
Teaching Reading from a Distance
Ashley Burnett
Supporting student learning through flexible delivery in distance education
Bruce Cifuentes
A Smart School for a Smart State: Brisbane SDE Cyberschool Initiatives
Jen Coad, Tom Croft, Sue Rose and Liz Nowack
Katherine School of the Air: The School of Opportunity
John Delany and Derek Wenmoth
Empowering an Indigenous Rural Community: Local Teachers for Local Schools
Kate Dibben
Sharing innovative projects – what is out there?
Chris Dolan
Roads Merge Ahead: Bringing Together Pedagogy and Technology in Distance Education
David Driver
Flexible Delivery of Mathematics
Annette Green
Abstract: School students’ learning from their paid and unpaid work
Steven Harrison
Investing in Our Rural Future – The Dover District High School Story
Irene Ioannakis
Adopt A School/Adopt A Mine Site. A School-Industry Partnership Case Study Kanowna Belle Gold Mines Ltd and Churchlands Senior High School
Susan Johns, Sue Kilpatrick, Ian Falk and Bill Mulford
Leadership from Within: Rural community revitalisation and the school-community partnership
Murray Lake
Country Roads: Pathways to Better Education and Training for Rural and Remote Western Australian 2000-2003
Rosa Lincoln
Workshop: Rural Teaching Liaison Officer – Partnerships at Work
Enver Malkic
Developing Partnerships with Rural Schools
Timothy Moes
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia: Concise Report
Kathryn Moyle
Dawning of Opportunity: Identifying government initiatives that promote using information and communication technologies in distance education
Catherine O’Sullivan
The School at the Centre of the Community: Goondiwindi State High School Vocational Education & Training through Enterprise Partnerships
Warren Parkinson, Anne Sutton and Vicki Carr
Flexible Delivery to cater for the educational needs of indigenous students: Brisbane School of Distance Education Alternate Education Model
Glen Postle
Professional Development Online: Some Preliminary Comments
Karen L Reithmuller
The Magic of Telephone Teaching
Robin Roberts and Robyn Roberts
Learning support for literacy: resource units
Col Sutcliffe
Rural schools and their communities
Grant Wheatley, Joneen Edwards and Sonja Kenny
Collaborative Problem Solving Team