Training Framework Diagram
It is with pleasure that the Network is able to present the deliverables/outcomes of their endeavour encapsulated in the Training Framework for Producing Quality Graduates to Work in Rural, Regional and Remote Australia.
The Training Framework diagram highlights the process undertaken and the production of support materials to form the Training Framework for both pre-service teachers and their lecturers that together have three significant expected outcomes. Firstly, as a result of applying the Framework it is expected that pre-service teachers will have a greater knowledge of rural, regional and remote education and what it means to be a quality teacher in those demanding locations. Secondly, as a result of having access to authentic knowledge about rural, regional and remote Australia, it is expected that more pre-service teachers will apply to work in non-metropolitan locations on graduation. Thirdly, it is expected that the processes and support materials inherent in the Training Framework will improve the quality of Graduate teachers who take up the challenge of living and working in rural, regional, and remote Australia.
The fact that the Training Framework is grounded in the National Professional Standards for Teachers (Graduate Level) provides the quality assurance foundation in that “they define the work of teachers and make explicit the elements of high-quality, effective teaching in the 21stcentury schools that will improve educational outcomes for students” (AITSL, 2011).
Download the Training Framework Overview: Training Framework.pdf
The Training Framework Overview is made available under the creative commons license.