
2021 Rural Education Research Portal

Launched at the 2021 National Conference for Regional, Rural & Remote Education (NCRRRE) Webinar, this resource combines 58 rural education abstracts and author contacts, recordings of the Rural Education Webinar and video resources previewed, Heywire vids and 2021 Australian Rural Education Award winning projects. 2021 Rural Education Webinar Monday 24 May 2021 – Recording Heywire […]

Attracting Teachers to Schools in Rural and Remote Areas in Australia

Region-related disparities are among the main factors that explain differences in access and equity in education (Lee, 2001). Schools in remote and rural areas often have difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff with certain qualifications and experience, and preparing them to address the educational complexity in these areas, such as multi-grade settings and specific student […]

Illustrations of Practice – Graduate Level – SPERA

As visual representations of what teacher practice could look like in a range of contexts, Illustrations of Practice help teachers to situate their own practice within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. They are an impression of aspects of teacher practice within a particular career stage of the Standards and aim to assist teachers to […]

Renewing Rural and Regional Teacher Education Curriculum

This resource has been developed to support teacher educators to prepare future graduates for the challenges and opportunities of teaching in rural/regional communities. The materials can be readily embedded into lectures, tutorials, workshops and professional learning experiences to provide teaching and learning environments that comprehensively consider the needs of rural and regional students, their families, […]

Pre-service Framework Teacher Guides

This resource package has been produced for the Tertiary Educators Rural, Remote and Regional Network (TERRRN) as part of an Office for Learning and Teaching (formally the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) project titled Developing Strategies at the Pre-service Level to Address Critical Teacher Attraction and Retention Issues in Australian Rural, Regional and Remote Schools. […]

Training Framework Diagram

It is with pleasure that the Network is able to present the deliverables/outcomes of their endeavour encapsulated in the Training Framework for Producing Quality Graduates to Work in Rural, Regional and Remote Australia. The Training Framework diagram highlights the process undertaken and the production of support materials to form the Training Framework for both pre-service […]

The National Professional Standards for Teachers

On 1 January 2010, and in the early stages of the TERRR Network project the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Learning (AITSL) came into being. One of AITSL’s first tasks was to assume responsibility for validating and finalising the National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) which had commenced by the National Standards Sub-group of […]

Pre-service Framework

In 2009 a group of tertiary educators from four universities in Western Australia with an interest and experience in rural, regional, and remote education, and especially in improving the attraction and retention of quality teachers to non-metropolitan locations, formed the Tertiary Educators Rural, Regional and Remote Network (TERRR Network). In 2010 the TERRR Network was […]