PTCWA Outstanding Professional Service Awards
The PTCWA Outstanding Professional Service Awards recognise an individual member’s outstanding professional contribution to education in Western Australia, made in a voluntary capacity to their professional teachers’ association. This provides the opportunity for each financial member association of PTCWA to consider the work of their members and nominate a worthy recipient.
The Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia has as its objective the promotion of professionalism in teaching through an enhancement of the work of professional education associations. It provides a wider context for the work of professional associations through facilitation of networking and communication between individual associations whilst providing a forum for the discussion of broad educational thought and current issues. PTCWA through its membership to the Australian Joint Council of Professional Teaching Associations affords Western Australian teachers a voice at the national level.
The individual being nominated for an Award should: be a current or past member of the nominating association; have made an outstanding contribution to the association’s support of teachers and education in WA over an extended period of time as, for example; contributing to the association’s publications either at a personal or professional level (eg served as journal editor, have developed teaching resources, have written articles, etc) as a committee member; professional development coordinator; award or accreditation coordinator; website/ ICT coordinator; and/ or have made an outstanding contribution to the association over an extended period of time through the management of the association and/ or association committees.