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2024 NCRRRE Wrap Up

The full program and abstracts from the 2024 National Conference for Regional, Rural and Remote Education is now available. Many thanks to all our presenters, attendees and sponsors for making this conference such a success.We look forward to seeing you again in 2026!

AIJRE issue: Considering Diversity in Educational Research that Explores School-Community Relationships

This special issue of the Australian and International Journal of Rural Education explores school-community relationships from a diversity perspective. The contributions originated in presentations delivered as part of the European Educational Research Association’s Network 14 sessions at the annual European Conference in Educational Research in August 2023. The papers present perspectives from a wide range of contexts: […]

2024 National Conference for Regional, Rural and Remote Education

We are excited to announce the Call for Submission and Registration for the 2024 National Conference for Regional, Rural and Remote Education (NCRRRE) is now open! The Conference theme “Growth Through Equity” aims to highlight strength-based models for regional, rural and remote education, whereby education providers recognise and partner with the rich knowledge, experiences, skills […]

The Importance of Local Voices in Rural Communities

Voices matter. The experience of the recent referendum on First Nations constitutional recognition in Australia demonstrates that local people in remote communities have a voice and want to be heard. Read the lastest issue of AIJRE.

Rural Insights: Vocational Education & Rural Industry Partnerships

In November 2023 host Samantha Avitaia from Bega NSW spoke with Julie Evans, CEO of Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care and delved into how the organisation forged local partnerships with three tiers of education: secondary, vocational and tertiary – in a simple but effective program to address a rural staffing crisis, and provide positive outcomes […]

Rural Insights – Teaching in very remote schools

This month October 2023 our host Viveka Simpson (Teach for Australia) welcomed guests Rex Meredith and Jonelle Heacock to take a closer look at teaching in very remote Australian schools. Catchup via our webinar recording here:

Rural Insights – Facilitating Student Success

Our September 2023 webinar featured Dr Marcia Devlin, CEO of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership with Kimberley Tempest, Principal of Cobram Secondary College. They unpacked factors impacting the success of students at rural and regional institutions, at both secondary and higher education levels. Watch the webinar recording here:

AIJRE- Rural Knowledges and Curriculum: International Perspectives

In this special issue of the Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, international scholars consider how rural knowledges are – or are not – embedded in their local educational systems. They draw on their work, research, and their lived-experiences in rural education to explore the opportunities and challenges of enacting place-conscious curriculum and pedagogies.

Rural Insights – Indigenous initiatives

Indigenous initiative Wuyagiba Study Hub, is changing the landscape within the education sector. We enjoyed a wonderful webinar on Monday 31st July 2023. Watch the recording here:

Rural Insights – Jul 2023

Early Childhood Education SPERA is delighted to be launching our ‘Rural Insights’ webinar series from July 2023. At just 30 mins, these are short, sharp and fast webinars that couple research and best-practice practical approaches to rural education issues.

SPERA talks Higher Education

SPERA developed a unique submission to the Australian Universities Accord featuring a series of rural case studies. Through these examples, SPERA hope to highlight the very real challenges that students from RRR areasface in pursuing higher education and the importance of providing targeted support to help them achieve their goals. SPERA believe that by sharing […]

AIJRE: Celebration, Attraction and Retention of a Regional and Rural Workforce

In this issue of the Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, the contributingauthors explore the impact of partnerships and purposeful engagement in attracting andretaining professionals to regional and rural communities.

Australian Rural Education Awards

Australian Rural Education Awards (AREAs) have been awarded annually since 1994 to recognise excellence in rural education in Australia. Australian Rural Education Awards Categories Regional, Remote, Rural Partnership AwardDemonstrating a successful partnership for students outcomes in a RRR community of praxis Community Centric AwardRecognition of a person/project/organisation who have placed a RRR community at its’ […]

Wuyagiba Study Hub

Run by the Wuyagiba Bush Hub Aboriginal Corporation (WBHAC) in partnership with Macquarie University (in-kind support), Wuyagiba Study Hub (WSH) aims to provide Indigenous people from remote communities of Arnhem Land with the opportunity to access tertiary education and employment on-Country in a culturally supportive environment. We have developed two unique Micro-credentials with Macquarie University […]

HarvestEd Student Agricultural program

HarvestEd is a partnership between the Department of Education, Queensland Virtual STEM Academy and Asia Education Foundation to enhance the opportunity for rural and remote students to engage with the agricultural industry. The partnership brings together a cluster of schools with agricultural industry professionals in their local communities and around Australia with links to the […]

Skilling the Pilbara

In collaboration with Rio Tinto and university partners, the PUC has developed a tailored portfolio of higher education courses, delivered in a supported mixed mode to local Pilbara industry employees. The program currently supports 30 employees and includes two industry specific Graduate Certificate courses and a Diploma of Engineering Infrastructure (Rail). In October 2022, this […]

Menindee Central School & Uni Newcastle

Menindee Central School and the University of Newcastle School of Education have maintained a partnership dedicated to improving student outcomes at the school since 2005. Over the years, the school and community have received substantial media coverage of the many successes achieved along the way (awards and significant achievements have become common in several aspects […]

Edith Cowan & Greenbushes Primary School

Greenbushes Primary School is a picturesque small rural school catering to students from Kindergarten to Year 6; however, in 2019, it was at risk of closing due to small numbers. Knowing that lost classrooms equal lost communities, the local industry, school and community developed a Partnership Agreement. This partnership enabled the achievement of common goals […]

Quality Teaching Rounds Digital/ Teachers and Teaching Research Centre

Too often teachers in rural and remote areas miss out on opportunities for high-impact professional development. QTR Digital provides such access for teachers regardless of school size and distance from larger centres. Rigorous research has shown participation in face-to-face Quality Teaching Rounds (QTR) enhances the quality of teaching, teacher morale and student achievement. Adapted specifically […]

Geraldton Universities Centre

Geraldton Universities Centre (GUC) is the original regional university centre (RUC). Commencing operations in 2002, GUC restructured in 2010 to a community-based model of governance committed to meeting the needs of the community. Providing opportunity for all and recruiting students to courses that would address local workforce need, GUC pioneered an innovative model of supplying […]

Discover Your Future

CUC Far West worked collaboratively with local youth to facilitate an interactive networking event, ‘Discover Your Future’ (DYF) in May 2022. Preceding the development of DYF, CUC Far West staff attended the ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Summit in 2021, where local youth presented a concept to increase youth access and exposure to local industries and […]

Rural and Remote team

The Rural and remote team in the Queensland Department of Education has centred their work over the past four years on ensuring that every rural and remote student, regardless of their geographic location, has the opportunity to succeed. The team is led by a Director with 6 dedicated officers who support over 600 rural and […]

Speaking in Colour

Speaking in Colour was established in 2010 by Cherie Johnson. During her time as a casual/temp teacher Cherie saw the need for Aboriginal education resources written by experienced Aboriginal educators. Starting with Newcastle and Lake Macquarie regional art galleries Cherie wrote educational resources supporting the exhibitions and the gallery staff. Today, Speaking in Colour is […]

First Nations Education

CQUniversity is proud to be recognised as Australia’s most inclusive and engaged university with some of the highest ratios of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The University aims to improve higher education outcomes for Indigenous Australians by providing higher education, training, research opportunities and engagement that expresses a deliberate destiny for Aboriginal and Torres […]

Social Enterprise Schools

Australian Centre for Rural Entrepreneurship (ACRE) is a not-for-profit social enterprise that exists to build a thriving rural Australia that is agile, resilient and enterprising. ACRE’s flagship youth entrepreneurship program, Social Enterprise Schools is a practical, student-led experience that develops citizenship and enterprise capabilities while building resilience in young people across regional, rural and remote […]

Learning Skills Advisor Program

Since 2018 the Country Universities Centre Far West (CUCFW) has supported over 200 students with free academic skills support through the Learning Skills Advisor (LSA) program. The LSA program aims to positively impact student success through personalised, flexible, face-to-face support that builds academic capabilities and confidence. Further, in recognition of the isolation and disconnection many […]

Learning to Learn – enabling regional students to succeed in higher education

Learn2Learn is an evidence based, innovative online program with modules released weekly, over 6 weeks. It can be run as a pre-orientation program (perfect for students in regional areas who are unsure if study is for them), embedded into core curriculum or run between terms for struggling students. Research to date indicates improved confidence, learner […]

RESN Help, Live and Wiki

The Regional Educational Support Network (RESN) is a not-for-profit organisation that empowers regional students to take control of their future through the provision of free high-quality resources and tutoring. The pandemic has highlighted that RESN’s fully online resources are strongly positioned to address the metropolitan/regional resource divide. Our services include an online platform for students […]

Future Leaders Program

Teach for Australia’s Future Leaders Program (FLP) is a one-year professional development program supporting educators working in RRR schools to develop their leadership skills and capabilities. Whilst acknowledging the unique challenges leaders in RRR schools face, FLP recognises and celebrates the strength and resilience of these communities and the valuable insights they offer to the […]

Associate Professor Hernan Cuervo

Associate Professor Hernan Cuervo is an internationally recognised expert on Australian rural education and a distinguished leader in the field. Throughout his 20-year research career, he has shown tireless commitment to better understanding rural education. He has done so in 50 academic publications and 45 public addresses. Hernan has achieved a unique combination of theoretical […]