SPERA Conference Proceedings 2007

Collaboration for Success in Rural and Remote Education and Training


John Pegg
Developing a national holistic approach to addressing issues in rural and regional school education

Andrew Wallace and Colin Boylan
Reawakening education policy and practice in rural Australia

Matt Benson and Terry Waldron
Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council


Colin Boylan and Ingrid Koreneff
Going up country: tree change teachers

Colin Boylan and Andrew Wallace
Reawakening education policy and practice in rural Australia

Tania Broadley
Teachers using a digital curriculum

Hernan Cuervo
Rural school principals’ perceptions of social justice in neo-liberal times: towards a pluralistic notion of rural education

Peter D’Plesse
Leadership in Australia: connecting the whispering spirits.

Sonia Ferns and Megan Ellis
Empowering regional communities – partnerships for sustainable educational programs in regional Western Australia

John Halsey
Rural-urban school partnerships and Australia’s sustainability

Peter Jones
Do it yourself DVD: a low-cost approach to supplementing print materials for distance education

Sheila King, Anne Drabble, Ros Franklin, Cathy Rodier and Alison Mander
Collaboration for success: Queensland style

Graeme Lock
The student teacher rural experience program: preparing pre-service teachers to live in regional locations

Michael Ogier
Rethinking teacher retention and rural schooling

Joy Penman and Bronwyn Ellis
Embracing technology in regional higher education

Celeste Rossetto, Jeannette Stirling and Joanne Dearlove
Providing language and academic skills support in a multi-media and distributed learning environment

Carole Steketee and Keith McNaught
Videoconferencing as a professional learning environment

Sue Trinidad
Telecommunications systems closing the digital divide in education in Western Australia


Charles Bradley
Political change is needed for the provision of fair and sustainable open and distance education for Australians

Denise Chalmers
Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Simon Clarke and Helen Wildy
Initial preparation of school principals: some bucolic considerations

Eve Croeser
Explorations of how to facilitate the formation of effective on-line learning communities – strategies and challenges

Frances Herd
Values from a distance

Phil Idle
Designing schools for Indigenous communities

Tom Jamieson
Flexible learning in schools – expertise banking for on-line delivery

Gerry Keegan, Emma Morris and Adrian Parsons
OVER – HF radio, a thing of the past

Mark McLay
Right Choices

Neil Milligan and Rod Rykers
Manea College – regional cooperation and collaboration

Dennis Mulcahy
Multi-grade classrooms and multi-age pedagogy: connecting the dots for rural educators

Theodore Munsch
Cooperation, collaboration and change:ten years of rural Alaska practica

Rosa Napolitano-Lincoln
Women on the go: women in leadership (WiRL) programs

Rhonda Oliver, Joan Strikwerda-Brown, Lynelle Watts, Marilyn Palmer and David Hodgson
Examining rural youth needs in the South-West of Western Australia: implications for pedagogy

John Pegg
Developing a national holistic approach to addressing Issues in rural and regional school education

Jeff Phillips
Planning educational facilities

Heather Plester and Kerry McFarlane
Distance – no barrier for students at educational risk

Malcolm Plester and Paul Gallash
Building relationships with parents

Tanya Scobie
How can providing on-line activities improve students’ understanding of place value in the Centra environment?

Gay Tierney and Ann Galloway
Mitchell Plateau learning: responding to the needs of Aboriginal students in the isolated and distance education context

Iyleen Vickers
Home Tutor Resource DVD