Call for Abstracts: 2016 SPERA/ISFIRE Conference
Rural Education: Place, Pedagogies, Partnerships and Possibilities
SPERA, in partnership with the SiMERR National Research Centre at the University of New England, invites you to submit abstracts for the 32nd National SPERA Conference and 4th International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education.
Hosted by CQUniversity Australia and supported by the University of Tasmania, the 2016 conference will bring together a range of national and international teachers, school administrators, teacher educators, academics, pre-service teachers, community members and parents who are passionate about rural education. The conference will be held at CQUniversity Australia’s Ooralea Campus in Mackay, Queensland between Wednesday 28 and Friday 30 September 2016. Early-bird conference registrations will open soon.
To submit an abstract, please download, complete and return the proposal template below.
Abstracts are to be written in plain English and include clear information about the aims, nature and content of the paper and, where applicable, a brief statement of results and implications. All abstracts should be linked to the conference theme or sub-themes.
Evaluation of Abstracts
Abstracts are subject to blind-review by members of the program committee. Notification of whether the abstract has been accepted for presentation will be sent to the presenter/s on or before Thursday 19 May 2016. Successful presenters will be asked for their audio visual requirements at this time and instructed to confirm their attendance via paid registration no later than Friday 3 June 2016.
Please Note
Presenter/s must be paid registrants of the conference in order to present a paper. Registrations must be paid no later than Friday 17 June 2016. No refunds will be issued for any reason after Friday 19 August 2016.
Important Dates
Call for Submission Deadline: Extended to 13 May 2016
Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts: 24 May 2016
Presenter Registration & Acceptance: 17 June 2016
2016 Conference Date: 28 – 30 September 2016
Queries or Concerns
Please email with any queries or concerns you may have about your abstract submission and a member of the SPERA/ISFIRE conference team will get back to you.