Education in Rural Australia Vol 12, No 1 (2002)
Table of Contents
Feature Articles
- Children’s physical activity, health and physical education in isolated rural contexts: The views of parent educators in Queensland – Tony Rossi, Faculty of Education, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba Jan Wright, Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong, Wollongong
- Learning partnerships in rural early childhood settings – Kennece Coombe and Joy Lubawy, Charles Sturt University
Feature Topic: Delivering Education in Rural Areas
- Strategies for Improving Success in FirstYear Accounting for Internal Students at a Regional University Campus – Janet K Sawyer, Senior Lecturer in Charge, Business and Enterprise, University of South Australia, Whyalla Campus John Medlin, Course Coordinator, Accounting, Decisions and Accountability, University of South Australia, City West Campus
- Online support for action research in a teacher education internship in rural Australia – T W Maxwell, JoAnne Reid, Catherine McLoughlin, Catherine Clarke and Ruth Nicholls, University of New England
- Regional university Access: A Case study from the South West – Robyn Eversole, Edith Cowan University
- Working as Rural Academics – Bronwyn Ellis, Janet Sawyer and Maureen Dollard, University of South Australia Dianne Boxall, La Trobe University
From the Field
- Teaching in Doomadgee: the Isolated Schools’ Project – Anneli Saunders, Final year Early Childhood, Bachelor of Education student, Faculty of Education, University of Southern Queensland
- Bridging the Gap between Beginning Teachers and Isolated/Rural Communities – Luke Baills, Sherrin Bell, Bridget Greenshill, Louise Wilcox, 4 th and 3 rd Year Education Students, University of Southern Queensland