
Update from the President – July 2015

A great deal has been happening with SPERA and I am happy to highlight these activities in the July edition of our newsletter. This year has heralded the introduction of our online journal – that is right, the Australian and International Journal of Rural Education (AIJRE) has gone online and our first edition was released on Wednesday 20 May 2015. […]

Encouraging Regional Aboriginal Students to Pursue Health Careers

Written by Bronwyn Ellis, University of South Australia A conference aimed at encouraging regional Aboriginal students to pursue careers in health, held at the University of South Australia’s Whyalla campus early this year, was timely: it came just after the release of the latest Closing the Gap report, which revealed only limited progress in areas related to […]

July 2015 Newsletter

From the President Mr Brian O’Neill Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter for the 2015/16 financial year. A great deal has been happening with SPERA and I am happy to highlight these activities in this edition. This year has heralded the introduction of our online journal – that is right, the Australian and […]

Student Teacher Draws on Scientific Experience to Lead Whale Shark Project

Written by Murdoch University and Dr Susan Ledger A Murdoch University education student is taking the lead on a whale shark tagging project which will see pupils from schools across WA follow the progress of several of the majestic fish. Dr Andrew Nield, who holds a PhD from Murdoch for a research project on the emu’s role in seed dispersal, […]

South Australian Rural Students Take to the Skies

Written by Bronwyn Ellis, University of South Australia A small independent school in Port Pirie offers an exciting program that attracts students from many other schools. The Mid-North Christian College, a non-denominational, co-educational, F-12 school of 260 students gives senior students the choice of Aviation Studies. The program is available to any student who has a desire to enter the […]

Allied Health Students get a Chance to Experience Research Projects in Regional City

Written by Bronwyn Ellis, University of South Australia Once again in the November to February period after examinations, a scholarship scheme run by the University of South Australia’s Department of Rural Health has enabled allied health students, mostly from the metropolitan area, to live and work in Whyalla for four or eight weeks. As well as giving […]

October 2013 Newsletter

From the President Karen Noble Welcome to the final newsletter for 2013. Following the recent AGM it is my pleasure to welcome new members to the SPERA Executive team and to thank those returning for another year of service. As you will see from my Presidential report included in full in the newsletter, 2012/2013 has […]

June 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the first edition of the SPERA Newsletter for 2013.  Our sincere apologies for the lateness of this.  We will endeavour to have the next newsletter out on schedule. In this edition: ISFIRE 2013 Pre-Service Educator Scholarship Winners Comments ISFIRE Photographs What Delegates thought of ISFIRE WACUTS Program AITSL Illustrations of practice Innovation in […]

November 2012 Newsletter

Welcome all to SPERA’s November 2012 newsletter. In particular I would like to note that Dr Karen Noble (University of Southern Queensland) is now the elected President of SPERA. Karen has included a welcome message for members. Highlights include: From the President: Welcome Message SPERA Annual Report 2012 ISFIRE 2013 (note dates to 13-15 February […]

August 2012 Newsletter

From the President SPERA once again has much pleasure in forwarding the August edition of our newsletter to you.   We trust you are all keeping well. The main focus of the last three months has been finalising the organisation the 28th National SPERA Conference. SPERA is partnering with the School of Education, University of Southern […]

March 2012 Newsletter

Welcome all to SPERA’s first newsletter for 2012. Already the year has been busy for SPERA with the Executive continuing or taking on new portfolios. In particular I would like to highlight the role taken on by Dr Karen Noble (University of Southern Queensland) for hosting the 2012 28th SPERA National Conference at the University’s […]

Newsletter November 2011

The last 12 months have been busy ones for SPERA. This brief report attempts to capture the highlights and directions of our small but growing organisation over the past year. The report concludes by highlighting a number of areas that need attention as SPERA moves forward over the next 12 months. Thank you to the […]

Newsletter August 2011

From the President SPERA has much pleasure in forwarding the August edition of our newsletter to you. We trust you are all keeping well. I hope you will be able to participate in the SUMMIT as the agenda looks extremely interesting. Download the program: SUMMIT 2011 Rural Futures Matter: A Sustainable Australia. The main focus […]

Newsletter April 2011

From the President It is difficult to believe we are almost half way through April already. I hope the year is going well for you. The planning for SUMMIT 2011 is keeping the SPERA Conference Planning Committee busy as we head towards the SUMMIT dates 21 – 23 September 2011. There is an article in […]

Newsletter October 2010

President’s Welcome Summit 2010 Eye’s Wide Open – Meghan Clarke (Pre-Service Teacher Scholarship winner – sponsored by ICPA Queensland Small Schools Matter – Prof John Halsey Conference 2010 Photos Dr Bruce Flegg – Conference 2010 Opening Address Membership Form 2010-2011 SPERA Executive Continue reading SPERA Newsletter October 2010 (2MB)

Australian Rural Education Award (AREA) 2008

The Australian Rural Education Award (AREA) is awarded to an individual, institution, organisation or industry for a practical project or achievement which opens up education opportunities for rural people and demonstrates a commitment towards advancing the positive aspects of rural education. The Australian Rural Education Award: Acknowledges excellence in rural education Recognises the achievements of an […]